A Little About Me

It is nice to see that you found your way over to my little corner of the blogsphere!

Hopefully you will get comfy, make yourself at home and stay awhile ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have been married to my wonderful and supportive husband for almost 11 years. We have two very energetic children who keep us on our toes. Our son is 8 years old and has just completed grade 2. Our daughter is 4 and she is our wild child!

This is an exciting opportunity for me to share my life experiences and challenges, living with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Dysautonomia (POTS) along with other miscellaneous challenges. I find it very comforting and often inspiring talking to others who understand first hand how these illnesses impact everyday life. Not just for the person diagnosed, but the lives of those close to them. I look forward to sharing and hearing your experiences and challenges too! Maybe together we can create some positive energy and make living with Chronic Pain and illnesses a little more bearable!

I would like everyone here to feel welcome, whether you are a fellow Chronic Pain Survivor or know someone who is, or you just happened to stumble across this blog. As much, as a lot of my energy has to be directed towards my health each day, I am also a daughter, sister, woman, wife, mother, and friend. I enjoy talking about everyday things, as much as you do ๐Ÿ˜‰ Having a good sense of humor and trying my best to keep a positive attitude has helped me on this journey. I always welcome and appreciate a good laugh ๐Ÿ™‚ During my “down” time, I really enjoy reading, researching new things, and I’m totally addicted to my Blackberry! There, I said it ๐Ÿ˜‰ My Blackberry is my connection to the world, and I would be LOST without it!

Please be aware that I am not a doctor, and anything I post on my blog is strictly based on my own personal experiences & feelings. You should always talk to your doctor first, if you are considering anyย supplements, medications, or treatments.

Thank you for taking the time to visit, and I hope you will enjoy reading. I look forward to your comments and getting to know you, so please, don’t be shy!!!

You are welcome to send me a private email at chronicconnection@gmail.com, and follow me on Twitter @ChonicConnect. I would love to hear from you!

(((Gentle Hugs)))

~ Nancy

4 Responses to A Little About Me

  1. Corina Duyn says:

    hi there Nancy,
    glad to have found you!
    I was taken by your image of the butterfly and the honest account of living wih various conditions,and life itself!
    I have M.E. for the past 12 years, and all that comes with it, and have only recently starteda blog. http://www.corinaduyn.blogspot.com
    Well done on your blog and all the best with living the best life you can!

    • Nancy says:

      Thank you so much Corina, for taking the time to introduce yourself! I’m so glad you found my little piece of the blogsphere, and I look forward to visiting your blog, and getting to know you.

      Congratulations on starting your own blog! It’s amazing how many wonderful people you will meet who’s you will relate to in the “community” of bloggers. Meeting new readers, often feels like meeting new neighbours to me ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I wish you the very best, on your new adventure with blogging, and hope to chat with you again soon!

  2. phylor says:

    The butterflies are gorgeous. I found your blog through the graceful agony facebook group, and am glad I did.

    • Nancy says:

      Thank you so much! So nice to “meet” you ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be sure to visit your blog as well! I love discovering new blogs, so thank you very much for taking the time to say hi ๐Ÿ™‚

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